The state of Vector tile servers
2021-10-01, 09:00–09:30, Córdoba

Mapbox Vector Tiles are in heavy use since about 5 years now and still one new tile server implementation gets announced every year at least. This talk shows an up-to-date overview of the available technologies and their use.

Mapbox Vector Tiles are in heavy use since about 5 years now and still one new tile server implementation gets announced every year at least. This talk shows an up-to-date overview of the available technologies and their use.

Authors and Affiliations

Pirmin Kalberer (1)

(1) Sourcepole AG, Switzerland




Software status / state of the art


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


Pirmin is a geospatial software developer since more than 15 years. He has contributed to GDAL, QGIS, T-Rex and several other projects. Pirmin is co-founder of Sourcepole, a Swiss company providing GIS services and solutions.

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