Lowering the barrier to entry into SDI - Metadata has to be fun !
2021-09-29, 15:00–15:30, Puerto Iguazú

How do you convince users to put data into your SDI if they have to spend their precious time filling obscure metadata fields ?
At Camptocamp, we tried to make data and metadata collection easier for busy people: drag and drop geodata, check everything's correct, answer a few easy questions, and voilà ...

In this talk, we'll present the "datafeeder" module which we contributed to the geOrchestra SDI, based on the above scenario.

The datafeeder is a slick application, made with Spring Boot and Angular. It is fully integrated into the geOrchestra SDI, thus interacts with GeoNetwork and GeoServer through their APIs. Data is pushed to a PostGIS database.
The talk will go through the UIs, discuss the technical challenges behind, and evoke the upcoming development perspectives.

Authors and Affiliations

Van Der Biest, François (1)
Gravin, Florent (1)
Roldan, Gabriel (1)
(1) Camptocamp, France




Data collection, data sharing, data science, open data, big data, data exploitation platforms


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


Project manager at Camptocamp & geOrchestra PSC member

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