Edusat: remote sensing as a learning material.
2021-09-29, 14:00–14:30, Group on Earth Observations

The intensification in recent decades of scientific evidence on climate change and on the degradation of natural systems has led to increasing public awareness about the environment. In recent times, this commitment to respecting the natural environment has emerged strongly among young people. Through various platforms, entities, and slogans, students from all over the world, and belonging to different disciplines, are coming together to defend their right to have a planet that enjoys good environmental health.

In this talk we’ll present the platform Edusat (, which aims to provide young people with empirical and quantitative learning tools to strengthen their ecology message. By means of remote sensing and through the data generated by the Copernicus program, an educational resource that analyzes the consequences of global environmental change is presented. In this context, remote sensing is a technological and transdisciplinary resource that provides young people with scientific arguments to censure the current relationship between human societies and nature.

Please see the abstract above

Authors and Affiliations

SIGTE - University of Girona


Transition to FOSS4G


FOSS4G implementations in strategic application domains: land management, crisis/disaster response, smart cities, population mapping, climate change, ocean and marine monitoring, etc.


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Geographer and Master in Environment, analysis and Landscape management.
GIS Analyst and Web Developer.
Currently at SIGTE of the University of Girona.