OpenMapTiles: vector tiles from OSM
2021-10-01, 10:00–10:30, Buenos Aires

OpenMapTiles is an open-source set of tools for processing OpenStreetMap data into zoomable and web-compatible vector tiles to use as high-detailed basemaps. These vector tiles are ready to use in MapLibre, Mapbox GL, Leaflet, OpenLayers, QGIS as well as in mobile applications.

Dockerized OpenMapTiles tools and schema are being continuously upgraded by the community (simplification, performance, robustness). The last release of OpenMapTiles greatly enhanced cartography and map styling possibilities such as generalizing shapes of buildings blocks. New contributions are checked and validated by GitHub Actions by continuous integration and automated performance tests. OpenMapTiles is also used for generating vector tiles from government open-data secured by Swisstopo.

OpenMapTiles is an open-source set of tools for processing OpenStreetMap data into zoomable and web-compatible vector tiles to use as high-detailed basemaps. These vector tiles are ready to use in MapLibre, Mapbox GL, Leaflet, OpenLayers, QGIS as well as in mobile applications.

Dockerized OpenMapTiles tools and schema are being continuously upgraded by the community (simplification, performance, robustness). The last release of OpenMapTiles greatly enhanced cartography and map styling possibilities such as generalizing shapes of buildings blocks. New contributions are checked and validated by GitHub Actions by continuous integration and automated performance tests. OpenMapTiles is also used for generating vector tiles from government open-data secured by Swisstopo.

Authors and Affiliations

Pohanka, Tomas (1)

(1) MapTiler, Switzerland




Community & participatory FOSS4G


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


Tomas is a GIScience enthusiast with an interest in Python programming and databases. He cares about geodata and how to process them.