Testing Geospatial JavaScript
2021-09-30, 16:30–17:00, Puerto Iguazú

Testing can be tricky at the best of times, let alone when you through mapping data into the mix! This talk looks at exploring ideas around testing geospatial programs in JavaScript

The aim of this talk is to examine ways of unit testing geospatial JavaScript programs. There are many avenues you can go down to test the behaviour of geospatial applications and they will have different trade offs in terms of performance, brittleness and how well they mimic the real world. We will examine different ways we can approach testing our JavaScript code, looking at how they respond to these trade offs. The talk will predominantly look at using the popular framework Jest for reference, however the ideas should be applicable across many testing libraries.

Authors and Affiliations

James Milner, Dent Reality

Requirements for the Attendees

Understanding of JavaScript
Basic knowledge of software testing




Software/Project development


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


Fullstack Developer at Dent Reality, working on a platform for creating indoor maps for retail