A study in vulnerable settlements using remote sensing and census data
2021-10-01, 13:50–13:55, Group on Earth Observations

In this talk, we propose sharing our progress towards implementing a nationwide system which aims to locate vulnerable community sprawls and assess poverty status between census years, using satellite imagery. In the process discussed, we will develop the capabilities to track differences in gap years and estimate people's wealth status in new and modified settlements.

Crucially, we intend to contribute to estimates from ground truth data obtained with local surveys. The outcome of this project will be a system with the ability to track vulnerable communities during census gap years based on deep learning and employing a blend of multispectral and multisensorial satellite imagery and ground surveys. This will enable us to assess our algorithms' performance and provide relevant feedback to the inference mechanisms.

Please see the abstract above.

Authors and Affiliations

Elio Atenogenes
Paloma Merodio
Jimena Juarez
Joaquín Salas


Transition to FOSS4G


FOSS4G implementations in strategic application domains: land management, crisis/disaster response, smart cities, population mapping, climate change, ocean and marine monitoring, etc.


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Elio is a data scientist with a Master in Mathematics and a PhD in Computer Science given by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Currently, he is the scientist leader at the Data Science Lab of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico.