Geographic Mapping of Business Data
2021-09-30, 15:00–15:30, Ushuaia

What are the possibilities to show business data on a cartographic map in a way that insight on sales information of a company and its potentials can be gained? How is it possible to visualize this complex combination of data in such a way that the usability is maximised?
These are the questions we faced while answering a customer request. The result is a flexible business intelligence application based on open source technologies.

Based on a live application, we present an example which sets business data into a geographical context. To achieve this, the tool starts off with business data which is linked to geographic POIs with sales points. Through this link, the data is aggregated within different geographic regions and can be visualized cartographically. To further improve the usability of the application and to underline specific results, tables, plots and charts are implemented.

OpenLayers is used for the implementation of the cartographic elements. The plots and charts are based on D3, implemented through the d3-helper library. The d3-helper library is an open source library which originated through extracting reusable and stand-alone code used for the plots and charts from this application.

In this presentation, we give an example of how cartographic and non-cartographic data are used and combined within an application. With the use of open source technologies for the data visualization, the end product is a stand-alone business intelligence application.

Authors and Affiliations

Marion Baumgartner
Benjamin Gerber


Use cases & applications


Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Geospatial software engineer and open source enthusiast working at Camptocamp (see also

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