Leaflet: getting started with web mapping the easy way!
2021-09-29, 11:30–12:00, Humahuaca

Leaflet is currently one of the most popular libraries to create dynamic web maps. But why? The answer is simple: because Leaflet is easy to use, avoids unnecessary complexity, and still offers all of the functionality that any modern web map needs. In this workshop you will learn anything that you need to know to get started with Leaflet. In just a few hours you will know how to create a web map, even if this is your very first contact with web mapping.

Topics include:
- creating an HTML template
- creating a basic web map
- adding various basemaps
- adding markers, lines polygons
- interactions (zoom, pan, etc.)
- introduction to GeoJSON
- converting any file-based vector format to a format readable by Leaflet
- event handling (e.g. getting the coordinates of a click on the map)
- if time allows: overview of more complex topics (e.g. connecting to a PostGIS database etc.)

This workshop is taught by the author of the Leaflet Cookbook - Recipes for Creating Dynamic Web Maps (Locate Press 2019).

Web development knowledge is a benefit, but not a necessity. The workshop will focus on Leaflet and anything related to general web dev will be explicitly mentioned and explained, if need be. All data, code, and outcomes will be shared. Feel free to simply sit back and enjoy! If you want to follow along, all you need is a simple text editor (or your IDE of choice). I will show how to convert various vector formats to GeoJSON using QGIS. If you don’t have QGIS I can share the outcomes with you (but you should nevertheless probably get QGIS, because it’s a really, really good product :-)).

Authors and Affiliations

Numa Gremling

Requirements for the Attendees

laptop, text editor (e.g. Notepad++) (or IDE of choice).


Use cases & applications


Software/Project development


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Numa Gremling is a senior developer at geoSYS (Germany) where he leads various projects, most of them related to web mapping or QGIS plugin development. He is the author of the Leaflet Cookbook (Locate Press).

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