How to contribute - deegree developer and user meeting
2021-09-29, 10:30–11:00, Buenos Aires

Users and developers who already use the OSGeo project deegree or are planning to do so for the future are kindly invited to this user meeting.

Users and developers of deegree webservices are kindly invited to this meeting. Since deegree's 20 year anniversary didn't get a lot attention in 2020, we as a community now want to make up for it and take a brief look at the development of the past last years.
Users can also present their results and experiences with the use of deegree webservices. In addition, necessary enhancements and improvements to deegree are to be discussed and possibilities of cooperation with regard to sponsoring are also discussed.

All interested parties are kindly invited. Anyone who wants to contribute is highly welcome.

Authors and Affiliations

Friebe, Torsten (lat/lon GmbH, Bonn, Germany)

Requirements for the Attendees

Users shall know deegree webservices, download from
Developers shall know the code of deegree hosted at
Technical writers shall be familiar with GIS software and, OGC Standards in general
General supporters shall know the project contribution guidelines


Community / OSGeo


Community & participatory FOSS4G


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Torsten Friebe is member of the technical management committee (TMC) of the OSGeo project deegree. He has expertise in OGC Services, and SDI solutions based on Open Source software. Since 2011 he works at lat/lon GmbH, Bonn as a lead architect and member of the management team.

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