ViRGiS - GIS in Virtual Reality
2021-10-01, 10:00–10:30, Bariloche

3D GIS is becoming increasingly important, especially for practices such as the analysis of Geophysical data (such as GPR, gravimetric studies and even borehole data). Virtual Reality provides an exciting space to perform this analysis by allowing the practitioner to "enter into the data" and walk around it. ViRGiS is a FOSS project to develop this idea.

ViRGiS ( is a FOSS project to create a GIS in Virtual Reality. This allows the GIS practitioner to actively engage with 3D GIS data in native formats in a realistic 3D space.

3D GIS is becoming increasingly important, especially for practices such as the analysis of Geophysical data (such as GPR, gravimetric studies and even borehole data). Virtual Reality provides an exciting space to perform this analysis by allowing the practitioner to "enter into the data" and walk around it. They can actively interact with the data and change and mould the data in a naturalistic and simple manner.

This talk will describe the solution and will use a Geophysics Case Study and a Point Cloud Mapping case study to show the abilities of the platform.

Authors and Affiliations

Paul Harwood, Runette Software Ltd
Dr Mark Harwood, Iscoed Consulting Ltd




Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Paul Harwood has been in the Software industry for 30 years with roles in Cap Gemini, Nokia and Google covering development, Architecture, Project Management, Sales and Product development.