Wegue - Webmapping with OpenLayers and Vue.js
2021-09-30, 14:00–14:30, Puerto Iguazú

Wegue combines the mapping capabilities of OpenLayers with the structure of the Vue.js framework. It contains many predefined geospatial components like layer tree, attribute table or measure tools. These are bundled in an configurable template that is ready to handle typical webmapping use cases.

Wegue [1][2] is a software for creating modern lightweight webmapping applications. It is based on the JavaScript frameworks OpenLayers [3] and Vue.js [4]. OpenLayers takes care of reading and displaying the geospatial data. Vue.js is used for structuring the project's code (according to MVVM) and allows the creation of custom web components which display nicely on both mobile and desktop devices.

Wegue links these two frameworks to a template for webmapping applications and provides reusable UI components based on the established UI library Vuetify [5]. Included examples are: layer list, attribute table, feature info dialogue, measure tools, permalink or geocoder. A central feature of Wegue is the ability to define most of the application's functionality with a configuration file. However, it is still possible to tailor Wegue to custom needs with classical HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Wegue has started in 2018. In the meantime, the project has matured and has been used in several real-world projects. It has been extended and improved in many places and is currently on its way to version 1.0. The presentation will give a short overview of the Wegue ecosystem as well as the innovations of the last months. In addition, some practical examples will be presented.

[1] https://github.com/meggsimum/wegue
[2] http://www.wegue.org/
[3] http://openlayers.org
[4] https://vuejs.org
[5] https://vuetifyjs.com

Authors and Affiliations

Miksch, Jakob (1) and Mayer, Christian (1)

(1) meggsimum (Christian Mayer)


Use cases & applications


Software/Project development


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


  • Engineer for geoinformatics and surveying
  • Open Source (Geospatial) enthusiast
  • Founder and CEO of meggsimum
  • OSGeo Charter Member
  • Working on: GeoExt, Wegue, GeoStyler, OpenLayers, ...
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Geospatial Developer at meggsimum (Germany).
Mostly working with webmapping, spatial data infrastructure and geodata processing.