Algorithm Talk: JSON-to-Code Compression
2021-09-30, 14:30–15:00, Puerto Iguazú

This talk walks through a new algorithm for compressing JSON data, including GeoJSON. The JSON-to-Code algorithm compresses JSON data by converting it using recursive variable assignment into valid code that generates the JSON data. No prior coding experience required as the talk is at a high-level.

This talk walks through a new algorithm for compressing JSON data, including GeoJSON. The JSON-to-Code algorithm compresses JSON data by converting it using recursive variable assignment into valid code that generates the JSON data. No prior coding experience required as the talk is at a high-level.

Authors and Affiliations

Daniel J. Dufour
GeoSurge, LLC




Software/Project development


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


Daniel Dufour is the CEO of GeoSurge, a geospatial technology company with a focus on data compression, natural language processing, remote sensing, and visualization. He created several open-source geospatial projects, including, georaster, and georaster-layer-for-leaflet. He co-created geoblaze, a JavaScript raster analysis engine.

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