CityJSON: 3D city models for everyone
2021-09-30, 15:00–15:30, Humahuaca

This is a presentation about CityJSON and the variety of open source tools that are available around it. CityJSON is a file format that can be used to exchange 3D city models. The talk will review certain applications that can be based on CityJSON but will mainly focus mainly on ninja, the QGIS plugin and the Blender plugin.

This is a presentation about CityJSON and the variety of open source tools that are available around it. CityJSON is a file format that can be used to exchange 3D city models. The talk will focus mainly on ninja, the QGIS plugin and the Blender plugin and some details about their developments and our plans for them will be shown. A brief overview of all software options will be presented and the suitability to different applications will be investigated. Also, certain other state-of-the-art developments regarding CityJSON will be mentioned (e.g. dissemination through OGC API Features, serving data through 3D Tiles and versioning of CityJSON models).

All software that supports CityJSON is listed here.

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon2020 Research & Innovation Programme (grant agreement no. 677312 UMnD: Urban modelling in higher dimensions).

Authors and Affiliations

Stelios Vitalis (1)

(1) 3D geoinformation group, TU Delft, the Netherlands


Use cases & applications


Software status / state of the art


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


I am a GIS Software Engineer working as a PhD researcher in the 3D geoinformation group of TU Delft.

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