The Cloud Devoured Open Source
2021-09-29, 16:00–16:30, Puerto Madryn

The Cloud Devoured Open Source... but then it choked on Free Software. A freestyle intro on how to help Free and Open Source Software manage to avoid getting obsoleted by shareholder value.

A short note on how business functions and why Free and Open Source makes a good combo when creating sustainable software architectures.

Authors and Affiliations

Arnulf (1)


Community / OSGeo


Software status / state of the art


3 - Medium. Advanced knowledge is recommended.

Language of the Presentation


Open Source advocate and co-founder of OSGeo. Working at terrestris as senior consultant for Deutsche Telekom AG fibre optics. As Metaspatial operating the development platform and coordinating the SmartMapping work group of the Surveying Authorities of Germany. Scrum Master at The Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy Germany.

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