Women In Geospatial+: Career stories of women in FOSS4G
2021-09-30, 08:00–11:00, Rosario

The session highlights the different aspects related to equality and diversity in FOSS4G.

In the past years, women+ groups, including Women in Geospatial+, have amassed members from all over the globe, as well as from all backgrounds in the geospatial field. Through our work, we noticed increased interest in participation in the geospatial field, necessity for mentorship and being mentored, proactivity and a keen desire to learn and have access to skills and opportunities that were not being easily available to women so far. Through our work and the work of other sister organisations (e.g Geochicas, African Women in GIS, Ladies of Landsat, Sisters of SAR, GeoLatinas), we could determine that while the trend for equality and diversity in the field is a positive one, albeit slow, there is an imbalanced involvement in open source component of the geospatial field, with less women+ representatives overall.

The main goal of this event will be to showcase the opportunities of a career path in FOSS4G and the role of leadership in the FOSS4G space by hearing the stories of a slate of leaders. How these leaders got involved in FOSS4G and what attracted them to this side of the geospatial field? What does leadership mean within FOSS4G? What are some of the opportunities and challenges that these leaders face today? How do leaders in this space see the future of the community? What opportunities are there for individuals that seek to get more involved in FOSS4G? These questions will be addressed first in a panel discussion, followed by an opportunity to connect with fellow geospatial women+ in a social event. The panel will also focus on the broadening diversity of technical leaders within the FOSS4G, GIS, and other STEM communities and how these shifts have been reframing these technical spaces and their impact. The social event will give the participants the occasion to meet, socialise and share individual experiences in an interactive manner.

Authors and Affiliations

Kate Vavra-Musser
Cristina Vrinceanu
Laura Mugeha
Rohini Swaminathan


Community / OSGeo


Community & participatory FOSS4G


1 - Principiants. No required specific knowledge is needed.

Language of the Presentation


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Cristina Vrinceanu is a member of the geo-spatial.org community (OSGeo Romania Chapter) and a Charter member of OSGeo since 2019. She is a postgraduate researcher with the University of Nottingham, where she uses satellite imagery to map natural offshore hydrocarbon pollution.

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I am a Geospatial engineer working in the intersection of FOSS, open data, and development. I currently work with a social enterprise to support teams in using data. Additionally, I am a YouthMappers regional ambassador where I support chapters locally. In my free time, I volunteer with FOSS communities.

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