Solving Spatial Problems with PostGIS
2021-09-29, 10:00–10:30, Salta

We'll look at 10 problems commonly solved with PostGIS. The focus will be the use of PostGIS 3.1+ and PostgreSQL 13+..
Examples will be in areas of proximity analysis, geocoding, aggregation of spatial statistics, web mapping, and some unconventional uses of PostGIS.

In this talk we'll explore the following PostGIS related extensions and how they can be used to load and analyze data.
We'll also highlight new features in newer versions of PostGIS that simplify solving of problems.
Extension coverage will be: * postgs - the core extension * postgis_raster - extension packaged with postgis for raster analysis * postgis_topology - postgis extension commonly used for data cleanup * postgis_sfcgal - postgis extension with advanced processing and 3D support * ogrfdw - a PostgreSQL spatial foreign data wrapper extension

Authors and Affiliations

Regina Obe is a co-founder of Paragon Corporation, a Boston-based PostgreSQL/PostGIS consulting company. She is a member of the PostGIS, GEOS, and pgRouting project steering committees and development teams. She is also a member of the OSGeo System Administration team,

She is the maintainer of the PostGIS application stackbuilder Windows Bundle. She has also co-authored several books on PostGIS, pgRouting, and PostgreSQL with her husband, Leo Hsu.


Use cases & applications


Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation and visualization


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


See also: foss4g2021_postgis.sql

Regina Obe is a developer, writer, system administrator, and packager. She is a member of the PostGIS, GEOS, and pgRouting project steering committees and development teams.