Towards a better integration of GeoServer in a high-available cloud infrastructure
2021-09-29, 14:30–15:00, Humahuaca

GeoServer can be used quickly for many scenarios for the implementation and operation of map services, but so far GeoServer was not optimal for the operation of high-availability applications and / or for operation in a cloud infrastructure. In this talk, the Microservices-based architecture of the “Cloud Native GeoServer” project will be presented, as its use in the NexSIS project, in which emergency call processing in France was modernized.

GeoServer is an open source software for the implementation and operation of map services. GeoServer is a proven and widely used solution. For the use of GeoServer for applications that require very high availability, such as for emergency call processing systems, the classic architecture of GeoServer is not optimal. For such a system, several instances of the application must be operated at the same time, sharing the same configuration. To achieve this, complex setups have been required, which, due to their complexity, can also be prone to errors.

In the Cloud Native GeoServer project, GeoServer can now be used in such a way that several instances use the same configuration in a simpler way, which simplifies the setup and operation of GeoServer as a high-availability system and / or as a cloud service. Furthermore, the various services of GeoServer are offered by different microservices in order to be able to optimize the use of resources and thereby achieve better scalability.

This talk explains the architecture of this Cloud Native GeoServer and explains its use in the NexSIS project, in which the GeoServer Microservices are operated in a Kubernetes cluster and thus ensure highly available map services within emergency call processing.

Authors and Affiliations

Adrien VAN HAMME (1)
Gabriel ROLDAN (1)
(1) Camptocamp




Software/Project development


2 - Basic. General basic knowledge is required.

Language of the Presentation


Since 2019, I am a GIS Project Manager at Camptocamp (Geospatial Solutions), an innovative and Open source solutions provider.

Open Source GIS expert developer and enthusiast. Core GeoServer/GeoTools contributor since 2003. World-Wide freelancer.