Xavier Torret
Executive consultant on GIS applied to urban water infrastructure. He is a Civil Engineer, Master on Environmental Management and NLP practitioner, with more than twenty years of experience in project management of urban infrastructure.
Giswater is an open-source application for management and exploitation of hydraulic infrastructure elements in both water supply and urbain drainage. It uses database and graphic representation in any kind of geographic information system (GIS).
Starting in 2015 with a Java driver able to connect to EPANET, EPA SWMM andHEC-RAS, the application has gradually evolved towards SQL and advanced functionalities in QGIS.
Giswater is also a hydraulic simulation tool and, more broadly, a complete business tool.
It is also a support for the sharing of workloads, through a user association and an ecosystem of technical contributors who can help the project to evolve. The community animation is done in particular through seminars.
The presentation will include a few demonstrations of the functionalities of Giswater