Till Adams

Till is co-founder of the FOSSGIS-conference and joined OSGeo early. He is founder and consutant at terrestris and mundialis. Till uses FOSS4G-Software for long time and also works as agile coach.
Till chaired FOSS4G2016 in Bonn, at present he is member of the OSGeo board.

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HERMOSA: Supporting the UN decade on ecosystem restoration utilizing geo- and earth observation technologies
Till Adams, Hinrich Paulsen

The United Nations declared 2021 to 2030 as Decade on Ecosystem Restoration [Verlinken: https://www.decadeonrestoration.org/ ] in the hope of being able to avert the worst effects and limit the heating of the planet to 1.5 °C in comparison to pre-industrial times.

The companies mundialis and terrestris from Bonn, Germany are developing a digital, internet based platform supporting urgently needed ecosystem restoration efforts by utilizing geo- and earth observation technologies. The project is financed by the European Space Agency (ESA). The platform is called HERMOSA, an acronym for Holistic Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring, repOrting, Sharing and mArketplace. From a technical point of view, the platform makes use of SHOGun, an Open Source WebGIS framework that uses react-geo and OpenLayers on the clientside, and GeoServer, actinia and GRASS GIS on the server-side to name just a few.

The platform helps registered users to analyze the efforts that organizations face on the ground when restoring ecosystems with a web-based geographical information system. Beside the WebGIS there are modules for on-demand and automatic analysis of Sentinel1 and 2 data, but also the use of very high resoluted (VHR) satellite images is possible. The analysis tools offer a change detection or a land cover classification for example.
The main challenges we had to cope with is to deliver a user-friendly tool, that allows users to easily perform complex analysis and to support them in interpreting the results. We'll have a look at some of the decisions that were made in that respect.

Use Cases and Applications
Optimized publishing of map and dataservices with GeoServer, GeoStyler and MapProxy
Marc Jansen, Till Adams

At the beginning of this century, the very existence of geo-services based on an uniform API like WMS aroused admiration. Today, having more than 10 years of INSPIRE behind us, this question often no longer arises. With software-projects like UMN MapServer, GeoServer, deegree or QGIS Server – to name just a few – there are notable solutions that can be used to transform geodata into standardized services. Once your data is published as WMS (or WFS, e.g.), one can rely on many additional tools, functions and interfaces. Thus a non-experienced user is confronted with many tools but also with the question on which tools can be used to achieve an optimal result for his or her personal task.

The talk presents one Open Source toolset for the set-up of geodata-services that consists of GeoServer/GeoWebCache, GeoStyler and MapProxy.

Use Cases and Applications
Buenos Aires
3D geo-applications with CesiumJS - data, possible use-cases and specifications
Till Adams, Michael Holthausen

With the development of 3D applications related to geography, the standards and specifications for the provision of corresponding data are increasingly coming into focus. The presentation deals with the current development status of the CesiumJS library as well as the standards and possible uses of individual features and shows some examples from a recent project, in which we presented underground 3D geodata. Thus, this contribution can be seen as a renewal of our 2013 FOSS4G contribution entitled "Modelling 3D Underground Data In A Web-based 3D-Client".

Not only are web-based open source 3D applications with a geographic reference constantly developing, but the development of standards and specifications for the presentation of 3D data on the web has also increasingly come into focus. A large number of libraries can be used for the representation on the web (e.g. x3dom, o3d, threejs, BabylonJS, Open GEE). Another library that has been growing steadily for several years is CesiumJS. This is used to process geographical questions in numerous areas. These include the real estate market, urban planning, sports or the various environmental sciences.

In our talk we will present the current development status of the library and some possible use-cases of the features and data of CesiumJS will be briefly presented using projects as examples. A focus will also be placed on the requirements of the browser. In addition to the general availability and provision of data, the possible uses of individual selected features of the library will also be presented and discussed.

Puerto Iguazú