Alex Leith

Alex is a certified spatial professional with extensive experience in software development, DevOps and project management. Alex is a founding Director of OSGeo Oceania and has spent time volunteering for the Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute, GovHack, GeoRabble and gets paid in stickers to do GeoHipster interviews. When not writing code, or at least talking to people about writing code, he shares care of his three kids and loves a great craft beer. Alex works at Geoscience Australia, leading a team of software developers and data wranglers helping people to more easily access and analyse Earth observation data.

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Building Digital Earth Africa
Alex Leith

In 2019 Geoscience Australia announced the creation of the ambitious Digital Earth Africa initiative, modelled on the rising success of Digital Earth Australia. The goal of the Digital Earth platforms is to make petabytes of Earth observation data freely available and accessible to inform policy, stimulate economic growth, and build a deeper understanding of our dynamic planet. This talk will describe how we’ve been building DE Africa and why.

Use Cases and Applications
Puerto Madryn