G3W-SUITE: publish and manage QGIS projects on the web. Deploy and administration.
2021-09-28, 14:00–18:00, Chavela Vargas

G3W-SUITE is a modular, client-server application (based on QGIS-Server) for managing and publishing interactive QGIS cartographic projects of various kinds in a totally independent, simple and fast way.
The application can organize cartographic contents in a hierarchic way, helping the content management in structured contexts.
Accessing administration, consultation of projects, editing functions and use of different modules are based on a hierarchic system of user profiling, open to editing and modulation.
The suite is made up of two main components: G3W-ADMIN (based on Django and Python) as the web administration interface and G3W-CLIENT (based on OpenLayer and Vue) as the cartographic client.
They communicate through a series of API REST which makes them totally interchangeable.
The application is compatible with QGIS 3.16 LTR and it is based on strong integration with the QGIS API.
G3W-SUITE integrates the QGIS Python API totally, the suite itself works as a WMS, WFS, WCS server. The QGIS APIs are used to access vector data both in reading and in writing (editing module), they are also used to filter the data using the QGIS expression system or through direct queries on the provider (for example for PostgreSQL data provider ) in a different way for different users or groups of users
A particularly advanced function is related to online editing and to the possibility of easily creating web cartographic management systems by defining the various aspects (attribute form, wediting widget, constraints, default value…) at the level of the QGIS project.
Geographical and alphanumeric filters (based on individual users) can be defined for the visualization and editing aspects.
Another aspect of considerable interest is the strong integration with the QGIS DataPlotly plugin.
The plots created with the plugin and saved as xml, can be uploaded to the suite for viewing them on the client side.
The plots can be dynamically filtered based on the elements displayed in the visible map area or based on the selected features
G3W-SUITE is released on GitHub with Mozilla Public Licence 2.0.

Don't forget to register before we run out of tickets!

The workshop allows you to learn how to install, initialize and activate the various features of the suite.
The aim of the session is to transform a QGIS project into a web cartographic management software dedicated to online editing.

In the workshop the following points will be addressed: * installation and configuration of G3W-SUITE Docker release on a Ubuntu 20.04 server; * from QGIS desktop to G3W-SUITE * overview of the suite features, widgets and capabilities * creation of users and definition of roles (Admin, Manager, Viewer ...) * creation of thematic containers and functional association with users * publication and mangement of a QGIS project as WebGis service * function settings related to individual layers: searches, cache, downloads ... * introduction to web geo-editing suite capabilities * creation of geographic and alphanumeric constraints (visualization and editing) based on individual users * view interactive graphs created with the QGIS Data Plotly plugin on webgis

Authors and Affiliations

Walter Lorenzetti (1)
Leonardo Lami (1)
Francesco Boccacci (1)
(1) Gis3W SNC, Italy https://gis3w.it


3 - Medium. Advanced knowledge is recommended.

Requirements for the Attendees

Basic knowledge of QGIS.
Basic knowledge of cartographic server applications and OGC services.

See also:

Server-side developer of WebGis applications.
Django and Python developer.