Emily Adams
It is important to acknowledge that there is a lot of work to do to ensure “Open EO” means open to everyone.
The EO science community is predominantly male and from the Global North. This can create services that have an unintentional bias against or blindness to women and minorities such as indigenous peoples, LGBTQI, youth, etc. Agricultural practices, water quality and quantity, land use and management, and other key topics across the GEO engagement priorities all have implications on gender and minorities. Being able to understand and incorporate these communities’ needs into Open EO services is imperative, and a key opportunity for sustainable development. We propose a workshop that will illuminate attendees’ awareness to diverse needs and perspectives, demonstrate tools to support inclusive geospatial service development, and showcase successful integration of gender and minority needs into Open EO services, particularly with respect to end user decision making capabilities
Don't forget to register before we run out of tickets!